G‑TECH’s Director of Recruiting + Operations, Debbie Blair, is co-presenting at the 2017 TechServe Alliance Conference, the IT and engineering staffing industry’s premier event taking place November 9-11 in Phoenix, Arizona.
To foster greater productivity and increase best practices among sales and recruiting teams, TechServe is offering a variety of interactive sessions and panel discussions that feature strategies and techniques designed specifically for sales and recruiting teams. Debbie is a panelist for a session called “Extending Contracts and Redeploying Consultants: In Pursuit of a Holy Grail of Productivity” on November 11 at 1:30 PM MST.
For account managers and recruiters, it’s a constant challenge: before you can grow, you need to replace engagements that are coming to an end and consultants who are coming off billing. The challenge is further magnified by the shortage of available talent in high-demand skillsets to fill new reqs. By successfully extending and expanding existing engagements and increasing your rate of redeployment of consultants, you can dramatically improve your ability to grow revenue and improve profitability with much less effort.
In this session, Debbie and her co-presenter will explore how to effectively expand and extend contracts and redeploy consultants through strategies such as enhanced consultant care.
Learn more about the TechServe Alliance Conference and Debbie’s presentation here.